Leading the Way: MJCP's Manifesto for Sustainable Printing

In the fast-paced world of commercial printing, where innovation is paramount and competition is fierce, More Juice Creative Print (MJCP) is not content with merely being a participant. Instead, we aspire to lead the industry forward, shaping its trajectory towards a more sustainable and responsible future. At MJCP, sustainability is not just a buzzword; it's a guiding principle that permeates every aspect of our business. In our manifesto, we outline our vision, values, and commitment to sustainability, inviting others to join us on this transformative journey.


A Vision for Industry Leadership

MJCP envisions a future where sustainability and success are not mutually exclusive but inherently intertwined. We believe that by integrating sustainability into our business practices, we can not only reduce our environmental footprint but also drive innovation, differentiation, and market leadership.

Embracing Sustainability as a Strategic Imperative

Our manifesto emphasizes our active commitment to sustainability, going beyond mere compliance to regulations. From adopting energy-efficient technologies to sourcing eco-friendly materials, we actively seek out opportunities to minimize our environmental impact and contribute positively to the planet.

Courage, Determination, and Leadership

The path to sustainability is not without its challenges, but at MJCP, we face them head-on with courage and determination. We lead by example, setting new standards of excellence in sustainability and inspiring others within the industry to follow suit.

Advocacy and Influence

MJCP leverages its position and influence within the industry to advocate for broader systemic changes that promote sustainability. We actively champion policies and initiatives that advance the cause of sustainability and encourage collective action.

Join Us on the Journey

MJCP's manifesto is a call to action—an invitation for stakeholders, partners, and competitors alike to join us in our mission for a sustainable future.


Together, we can lead the way towards a world where the print industry thrives in harmony with the planet, leaving a positive legacy for generations to come. Join us on this transformative journey, as we pave the way for a brighter, more sustainable future—one print at a time. See our manifesto and sustainability policies here.


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